A jump to remember
The 20th of October was already marked in my agenda for a few weeks. This was the day I was going to jump out of a plane with Skydive Taupo. I had been nervous and excited since I knew it was going to happen.
Skydive Taupo is famous because of the unreal views over lake Taupo, snow tipped peaks and their unique plane covered in Maori signs and pink colour. Skydive Taupo offers the possibility to jump from two different heights; 12.000 feet and 15.000 feet. Mine was from 15.000 feet. You can choose from several package deals at skydive Taupo. My package deal was called “handycam” and this includes photos and videos. This means my skydive instructor had a GoPro attached to his arm in order to make footage. The other packages you can choose from are the free fall package. This package includes photos and videos taken by someone else. It means someone else is going to jump at the exact same time as you in order to make awesome photos and a video. However, it is also possible to jump without the additional footage.
Finally the day had come! I woke up on the 20th of October and I felt really lucky as the sky was so clear, there were barely any clouds. We drove to skydive Taupo, the staff at the office were very friendly and helpful, which made me feel comfortable and relaxed. This was really helpful for my nerves.
The staff showed a video with instructions about what we could expect and what we needed to do during the jump. After this video another video was played. This time a video with several songs. I was able to pick 3 of the songs for my epic after movie.
After the instructions were given, it was time to gear up. They gave me a suit including all the gear that had to be attached to my skydive instructor. After I got my suit and gear it was time to meet my instructor. My instructor for the day was Dan. Dan told me once again what he expected from me during the jump. This was the same information as in the instructions video, luckily :)
Dan made sure all the gear was ready and everything was double checked by another instructor as well. This gave me a very safe feeling.
It was time to get in the pink airplane. Dan was sitting behind me and he was an awesome guide during the flight. He showed me all the places you were able to see from the plane. Halfway it was time to get attached to Dan. Dan made everything ready for the jump and we were ready to go. The door of the plane opened and the first persons jumped out of the plane, I was the last one in line and needed to be patient. Dan brought us in position and off we went! The feeling when you just fall out of a plane is simply unreal. The free fall was such a great feeling and the views at Lake Taupo were insane.
After the free fall the parachute came out and it was time to relax and enjoy the view. I was even able to control the parachute myself which was really cool. We made it to the ground and one of the staff members helped me with the gear and the suit.

A few minutes after the skydive, my video was ready and got displayed in the Taupo Cinema. This is just awesome and it is a great memory.

After all, it was such an amazing experience and I would do it over and over again. Skydive Taupo is an amazing company who really gave me a safe and secure feeling about the skydive. Their service was fantastic and I would highly recommend this to everybody!