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Covid-19 Update - We are Open!

Here at Elements World, we are dedicated to looking after our customers and team during the evolving situation of COVID-19 all across our brands


Following the Ministry of Health guidelines, we are assisting international travellers to still enjoy New Zealand and protect themselves and others.

Update 14th May 2020


The Government has announced New Zealand will move from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 at 11.59pm on Wednesday 13 May.


This is great news - we’re allowed to burst our bubbles and get back into the ELEMENTS!


With that in mind, we still have to play it safe as it is up to each and every one of us to keep the rest of New Zealand safe - so some of our services are operating slightly differently as per the government guidelines.

Elements Motors and Elements Rentals

You can travel around the country, as long as you do it in a safe way such as following good health measures, keeping track of where you have been and keeping your distance from groups of people you don’t know. You really can’t beat a better bubble than being in a self-contained campervan! 

Elements Adventures

Our Piha Experience Eco-Tour is back on track. We are operating and taking bookings for now and future dates. Get in touch with our friendly team to book your adventure.  

Elements Surf

All surf lessons and surf tours are operating. We are operating and taking bookings for now and future dates. Get in touch with our friendly team to book your next surf adventure.  

Elements Automotive

And lastly, don’t worry if you’re not ready to start exploring again and instead think about giving your car some TLC with a service from our very own Elements Automotive mechanic - our new brand we launched during lockdown aimed at helping both our valued visitors and kiwis move forward. 

Stay up To Date



Elements World is committed to help everyone with their travel dreams in New Zealand. Are you looking for a exciting and new experience? Elements World offers RV sales and rentals.

© 2024 Elements World

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