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Update 25th March 2020

Here at Elements World, we are dedicated to looking after our customers and team during the evolving situation of COVID-19 all across our brands


Effective 23.59pm Wednesday 25/03/2020 New Zealand is moving to COVID-19 Alert Level 4.


This means anyone not working in essential services must stay at home and stop all interactions with others outside of their household.


More information can be found on 


This, of course, means cutting non-essential travel as everyone in the country unites to help us track and contain the spread of COVID-19.


If you are a current Elements Motors or Rental customer still remaining in New Zealand and need extra guidance with COVID-19 Alert Level 4 please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team on 0800 000 985 or 


Although Elements World offices will be closed for the next 4 weeks we will be working behind the scenes remotely and still able to assist with your Motor, Rental, Surf or Adventures future enquiry. 


Like many other organisations, never have we been presented with such challenging times and we look forward to welcoming you to start your New Zealand adventure with Elements World in the near future. Keep connected with us through our social media channels.

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